Rakesh Naidu


Rakesh Naidu is the Chief Operating Officer at the WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation.

In this role he oversees operations at the regional economic development corporation. He is responsible for initiating and executing the strategy and activities to attract and retain new investment in to the region.

Rakesh works closely with the leaders in the industry and different sector heads to identify and maximize the potential in each sector. He coordinates business development activities with all other Windsor Essex area government departments, municipal economic development personnel and key stake holders to ensure the broad level of support for new and existing companies.

Rakesh has been a resident of Windsor-Essex since 2004 and is extremely proud of the region. As an ambassador of the Windsor-Essex region, he takes immense pride in the intrinsic strengths, achievements and diversity of the region.

Rakesh is a Chemical Engineer with a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management. In the past he has worked in Environmental Engineering and Automotive firms. Rakesh is a volunteer teacher in the “The Art of Living Foundation”.