The five Great Lakes contain 20 percent of the planet’s freshwater resources. They also hold tremendous potential for producing wind energy. What are the challenges and opportunities for offshore wind energy in the Great Lakes?
Cora Sutherland presented the Center for Water Policy’s legal research on Great Lakes offshore wind energy. Her talk, titled “Great Lakes Offshore Wind (GLOW): Legal design choices and research questions,” distinguished the Great Lakes region from ocean waters in the United States, explored legal design and planning choices, and summarized a recent NSF-funded research workshop on GLOW.
This event is co-hosted by the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin and is part of a quarterly online water symposium series in partnership with the Great Lakes Higher Education Consortium, an initiative of the Council of the Great Lakes Region. These events seek to encourage and advance collaborations, share science across borders, encourage students in research and career opportunities and present research that is solving real-world problems.