Breaking Down the Role of Business in Achieving a Sustainable Future in the Great Lakes and Beyond

Watch the recording of the webinar below! 

A sustainable future for the Great Lakes region, and the world, must include the leadership and involvement of all sectors, including and especially the private sector. While the regulatory frameworks of national and local governments are essential, government alone cannot move us at the pace we need. 

That’s where the private sector comes in. Companies of all sizes and representing all industries play a significant and key role. They have the unique opportunity to make decisions quickly and invest in scalable solutions that can generate positive impact and momentum for the transformational shifts needed. 

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are often referred to as the blueprint for a more sustainable future. They are interconnected and relate to climate change, environmental degradation, poverty, inequality, climate change, peace, and justice. Achieving them requires action, and at a more urgent pace than we have experienced to date.  

In January’s webinar, the Council of the Great Lakes Region (CGLR) and the UN Global Compact (UNGC) Network USA partnered to highlight the role business plays in securing a sustainable future. Corporate and organizational success requires stable economies and healthy, skilled, and educated workers, among other factors. We broke down the business case for sustainability, explored how companies can execute on their sustainability goals, and discussed the impact the region’s private sector holds in achieving the SDGs.


Christine Cavallo, Engagement Manager, UNGC USA Network

Christine Cavallo is Network USA’s Engagement Manager. In this role, Christine works with US companies to support their mobilization and progress in line with environmental, ecological, and social goals encompassed by the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles of Humanity and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Before joining Network USA, Christine worked at the Council on Strategic Risks. Her research focused on the existential threats posed by climate and ecological degradation on human systems and security, which are increasingly recognized as material to governments, companies, and citizens worldwide. 


Lora Shrake, Senior Program Director, Business and Sustainability, Council of the Great Lakes Region

Lora Shrake is the Senior Program Director, Business and Sustainability for the Council of the Great Lakes Region (CGLR), where she is working with a growing network of business leaders to connect across sustainability issues and support the advancement of cross-sector solutions.

Some of the programmatic areas include circular economy, water stewardship, and climate change and decarbonization. Lora also facilitates CGLR’s monthly business and sustainability webinar series, providing a platform for knowledge sharing and amplifying regional best practice.

About UNGC Network USA:

Global Compact Network USA is the US Chapter of the United Nations Global Compact, the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world. We are a powerful network of companies and stakeholders dedicated to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals. By connecting our partners with the resources of the greater UN, we support companies that are committed to fully integrating our principles of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption into their business strategies and operations.  

About Council of the Great Lakes Region: 

CGLR is a network of organizations comprised of CGLR Foundation, CGLR USA, and CGLR Canada. It is dedicated to creating stronger, more dynamic regional collaborations through dialogue, policy research and programs, and advocacy in order to find new ways of harnessing the bi-national Great Lakes region’s economic strengths and assets, improving the well-being and livelihoods of the region’s citizens, and protecting the environment and the Great Lakes for future generations.