Great Lakes Public Forum

We hope you were able to attend this important partner event hosted by the Government of Canada and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is dedicated to the celebration and protection of the Great Lakes! The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement calls for the United States and Canada to convene the Great Lakes Public Forum once every three years to discuss the state of the lakes, progress made under the Agreement and proposed priorities to guide science and actions over the next three years. The Forum also provides an opportunity for the public to provide input to the International Joint Commission, who are tasked with advising the United States and Canada with respect to the implementation of the Agreement.

This year’s Forum held special significance as it fell on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between Canada and the United States. 

Topics of discussion included the state of the Great Lakes, progress towards implementation of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, binational priorities for the next three years, the cleanup of Great Lakes Areas of Concern, tackling the complex issue of toxic and nuisance algae, actions to address Chemicals of Mutual Concern, understanding and addressing climate change impacts, Indigenous contributions to the restoration and protection of the Great Lakes, addressing the threats posed by aquatic invasive species, the protection of habitat and species, and  the role of commissions and other binational intergovernmental organizations in Great Lakes protection.