Hosted in Partnership by:
The International Joint Commission and the Council of the Great Lakes Region hosted a virtual business roundtable on November 9th, 2022 to contribute feedback on progress being made towards improving the water quality of the binational Great Lakes watershed, a resource vital to American and Canadian businesses and communities.
To ensure that the meeting was engaging and productive for all participants, the meeting was limited to business representatives only and facilitated to gain the business perspective on water quality issues and progress.
Following a brief IJC presentation to provide background and context, participants were asked to share their input by responding to a series of discussion questions:
1. Understanding the current reality: What Great Lakes topic(s) or area(s) are most relevant or important to your business and its operations? Are you witnessing any progress or seeing any changing conditions with respect to water quality or Great Lakes issues relevant to your business/industry sector?
2. Gathering knowledge and building on strengths: What needs to be explored further or understood better to make progress or changes to Great Lakes water quality?
3. Opportunities moving forward: Where do you think there are opportunities to change or improve governments’ Great Lakes programs or activities to enhance water quality progress? Where do resources need to be prioritized? How does improving Great Lakes water quality support your business needs?