Built to facilitate engagement across sectors, customers, and suppliers up and down the value stream, the binational Great Lakes Carbon Collaborative, will be driven by business and focused on developing and implementing initiatives that reduce carbon emissions across the Great Lakes economy while minimizing business impacts. Initial focus areas include electrification, low-emission generation technology, carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), ecosystem services, and the water-carbon nexus.
The Council of the Great Lakes Region and the United States Business Council for Sustainable Development hosted a virtual Kick-Off Meeting on October 29th for the binational Great Lakes Carbon Collaborative.
Regional businesses, research institutes, NGOs, and technology providers were invited to join this Kick-Off Meeting to come together to identify, learn about, and plan the next steps to execute a broad range of climate action strategies. Guests also heard from panelists on emerging technologies and carbon reduction strategies tailored for the region. Facilitated discussions and breakout sessions will further connect the dots on shared challenges, opportunities, and paths forward.