2013 CGLR Annual General Meeting

CGLR held its first Annual General Meeting in Milwaukee at 9:30-11:30am CDT on September 11, 2013 during Great Lakes Week. Reports from the Board and Acting Executive Director were presented, updates on early projects and working groups discussed, and feedback on potential projects requested. 

Meeting Details & Agenda

September 11, 2013; 9:30–11:30am CDT
Juneau Room, Hilton Milwaukee City Centre
Chair, Matthew Mendelsohn (CGLR Founding Board Member)


  1. Welcome
  2. Report  from the Board of Directors (Matthew Mendelsohn)
  3. Report from the Acting Executive Director (Laura Dawson)
  4. Report on projects and working groups (Mendelsohn and Dawson)
  5. Open discussion:
    » 2013-2014 work plan – potential projects, partnerships, fundraising
    » Other business
  6. Adjournment
